Johnny On the Spot Blog: Posts Tagged ‘AC Maintenance’

Joining the Comfy Club: The Best Decision You Could Make This Summer

Monday, July 1st, 2024

What if we told you that maintenance could warn you about impending problems with your air conditioner while making it run more efficiently and effectively? It’s really as simple as that. In our area, air conditioners are absolutely essential to living comfortably during the summer, and your air conditioner is no exception to that rule.

However, we often just let those systems run indefinitely until they break down or run into major issues. Instead, let’s try entertaining another option–maintenance. As a premier HVAC company in Las Vegas, we design our Comfy Club to help members get the most out of their air conditioners. At a very low yearly rate, and with a plethora of perks and benefits, you can enjoy powerful home cooling well into the future.

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Maintenance or Repairs: Which Should You Choose Now?

Monday, March 4th, 2024

Ideally, we’d say that everyone should purchase repairs when they’re needed, and maintenance every single year in the springtime. But unfortunately, life doesn’t always go exactly as planned and many customers need to choose between one or the other. Maybe customers also need a bit of an introduction on what each service is and what the main differences are between them.

Maintenance is a yearly tune-up that helps to keep your air conditioner efficient and effective year after year.

Air conditioning repair is a service we provide when there’s something wrong with your AC technology and it needs to be fixed.

Now that we’ve gotten this bit of information out, we can get into the more comprehensive part of this blog. Which service, if you had to choose one, would give you the most benefits? And which service should you choose now and why?

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