Johnny On the Spot Blog: Posts Tagged ‘Heating’

Common Causes of Furnace Electrical Problems

Monday, February 5th, 2024

Whether you have a gas or electric furnace, both require electricity for operation. Both types of furnaces can have electrical problems that interfere with how well your unit can operate. Plus, electrical problems can also pose safety hazards for your home and family.

If you suspect that your furnace is having electrical problems, you need to give us a call to schedule a service appointment for your HVAC in Las Vegas. You can keep reading to learn more about some common reasons for furnace electrical problems and the signs of each one so you can stay ahead of safety issues.

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Welcome to Our New Site, a Hub for Homeowner Education on All Things HVAC and Plumbing

Wednesday, December 27th, 2023

Johnny On The Spot is all about helping you take care of your home’s HVAC and plumbing problems, but where many companies simply provide a service, we’re also providing education to homeowners. It’s terrible when you’re not only nervous about a broken-down air conditioner or stuck garbage disposal, but not knowing why your specific problem is happening? That just makes it worse.

The inconvenience of a broken air conditioner or faulty heater in your home is a lot less worrisome when you know what’s happened and what it takes to fix it. That’s where this new website’s blog comes in.

This not only serves as a place for you to learn all about the services we offer and how we provide you with fantastic value, but you’ll also be able to learn about your home systems. What to expect, how they work, and a bunch of little gems of information that help you master your home, one blog post at a time.

Call us today if you have any air conditioning, plumbing, or heating concerns that you need help with. We’ll be there as quickly as possible to help you out.

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